Tuesday, 29 July 2014

† 30 DLC - Day 11 - One day in your lolita life in pictures. †

† 30 Day Lolita Challenge †
† One day in your lolita life in pictures †

 Such life, very postage, WOW very delivery, so first class!

 Today I decided it would make much more sense if I followed myself around for the day whilst taking photographs of my random crap. I had just sold a few lolita dresses and decided to go post them out whilst the weather was nice and gloomy. The heat recently had been too hot so to see a nice gloomy day really cheered me up.

I didn't want to dress up too OTT today just in case the sun came out to bite me so I put on a more casual coordinate with my newly appointed music note jsk. I am looking forward to replacing this mirror come payday, it is pretty crap, far too small and I for the life of me can not get the marks off of it. This thing attracts dust like milano attracts newbies.

A bit of overwhelming sarcasm hit me today as I walked to the post office when I saw this billbored;

World war pending? Homelessness on a high rate? Self harming increased in youths? University fee's raised? NOP, none of this matterS if you do not protect your family from cavities! If you don't Hitler will rise from your cavities and control your brain with Nazism through your rotten teeth!


 After the post office I got the bus home and could not be happier with the disgusting state of the bus. Yes nothing screams "WELCOME to your journey home" as you sit at the front of the bus near face palming as the sticky floor nearly glues your feet to the metal bus floor. Maybe a selection of yummy fruit and stir fry will cheer one up.

After a nice meal I went upstairs to strip every article of lolita off of my skin only to see my lazy cat Zack sleeping in the middle of the day again on his favorite pillow.

After I ate I wrote up a review and started on this and for the rest of the night I am going to be programming on the sims.

On to Question 12,
Pleasant Dreams †

† DOL : Vampire Requiem Review †

† Dream Of Lolita †
† Vampire Requiem Review †

Brand : Dream of Lolita/Sweet Angel (Clobba)
Replica: Yes
Original Designer : Alice & The Pirates
Style : Jsk
Colorway : Black
 LBust 88-100
Waist 76-88

Dress Information

This replica by Dream of Lolita was originally made by the brand Alice & The Pirates. Vampire Requiem is not only a lovely dream but is extremely popular with the gothic lolita crowds. I have owned this replica Three times but currently own the black and red colorways as the blue was not really me. This dress is very forgiving but the cut I have here is a custom size another buyer paid for then dropped out of the sale, so the fit is a bit odd and I plan to sell on to buy the better fitting size as this one i have is too large in the bust and too short on the torso. The print itself is very pretty but the replica is lacking in comparison to the original. Unlike most replica's out there at the moment, you can tell this is a fake as the print is off a bit and a little to light in shading. As well as the cut being slightly different this is still a good replica and is perfect for winter days as the fabric is nice and thick, very similar to canvas fabric..



As stated earlier I bought this replica due to a buyer drop out. The original buyer of this dress asked for a custom size and I did not realize this until after I had bought it. This was an impulse buy and I thought since it was cheaper than normal it would be an easy fix if needed. However, unfortunately it's a little too big and weird fitting. The bust is too big, whilst the torso to waist ratio is too small so I may end up re-selling if I can not be bothered to alter it myself, however I did tweak the dress a little.

Since the bow was a little depressing I reconstructed it as well as changed the buttons on the waist ties. Apart from shedding a little blood it turns out okay. This bow is actually smaller than the bow on the red version, I found this a bit weird.

The dress itself was okay. If you look at it lain down you could not even tell that the cut was different, but as soon as you wear it it becomes extremely obvious.

Coordination Idea

Jsk : DOL Vampire Requiem
Blouse : Bodyline fully shirred with detachable sleeves

Bag : Primark (Leather bow with pearls handmade and attached to bag)
Shoes : Punk white,ℬodyline

Headdress : Bodyline
Bat Clip : Alchemy Gothic
Scarf : Twlight

This is near exact to the first time I wore Vampire Requiem with a few slight differences. Instead of using the bow of the dress for a head bow I took a bow off a different dress to use with my alchemy gothic bat clip to go with it to stick to the vampire theme. I was very surprised I still had this scarf but happy that I could recreate the Takulu inspired look using the same scarf. If I had a choice I would prefer to have the matching coffin bag that is often worn with this dress but I keep struggling to find it, I do not mind using this primark bag as it does match but the coffin would be more fitting here, especially since I plan to do a more guro/vampire style look with this coordinate when I wear it out. One of my new wigs will be arriving shortly which is based off my Takulu inspired wig and I plan to wear it with this exact same coordinate. The white pair of  shoes are something I am currently toying with. I have found myself becoming more and more of a fan of white (soon I'll be displaying my banshee guro coordinate but we are taking our time with that and plan to do a pro shoot for it ) but to the point I find these white shoes are more fitting with black coordinate that have a hint of white. Most black shoes seem to just fade into the background where as these white ones stand out in a beautiful way. Will I wear RHS with this to match my original gothic coordinate? I am unsure, I shall have to see how I feel.

Trying it on/ Wearing it out

I recently wore this jsk out on the day it arrives for a causal meet up and felt very happy with it, it is a lovely dress however I wish it was a bit longer. In the left pic you can see I have my normal petticoat on and in the second photo I have flattered it a bit to make the dress seem a little longer but as you can see it fits okay even if it was made to someone else's measurements.

Looking forward to wearing it out again,
Pleasant Dreams †

Monday, 28 July 2014

† 2014 Lolita wardrobe Post †

It seems that everyone and their mother's have done one of these post's and I fail to have done anything remotely close. I would also light to add for the people who do not know me that I left the sweet lolita style some time ago and had to build my wardrobe from scratch. So this small collections has been something I have build on for a year now. I did have twice as many dresses as this but a lot I bought to try out, did not like and ended up selling on.

So without further delay I come here today to share with you my collection so far.

Wardrobe Full Photographs.

I actually just build this wardrobe myself and it took a few good hours to do so. There are a few non lolita items hung up but i haven't photographed any of them.The top of the wardrobe is just filled with my normal goth swag and I will note the My Little Pony collection is situated there purely for the fact that the bag behind the figures is filled with my make up.

 Wardrobe contents

Outter's & Blouses

Bodyline bolero, Offbrand Cardigan and Offbrand bolero.

 Top -  Offbrand Chiffon Polkadot Blouse, Bodyline Vintage fully Shirred Blouse
Bottom - Bodyline fully shirred Blouse with Detachable Sleeves, Bodyline Lace cutsew.

Primark Fur Coat & Newlook Fur Shawl


Some of the photographs here are a tiny bit blurry but I will be getting a new MODERN camera soon, instead of this ancient thing.

 Kidsyoyo - Marionette Gril OP & Magic Potion - Librarian Series JSK

Bodyline Black JSK & Bodyline Music Note JSK

Dream of Lolita (Alice & The Pirate Replica) Vampire Requiem (Red & Black) 

 Bodyline Unknown Jsk & Bodyline Stripped Adjustable JSK

 Bodyline Oldschool Frill jsk (Black and White)


 Offbrand Parasol & Primark polka dot Parasol

Top - Offbrand Skull Bag & Bodyline Bunny Music Note Tote
Bottom - Offbrand replica card bag & Primark polka dot bag (bow and pearl chain added by me)

Left - Giant metal spider web crown and veil.
Center left to right - Bodyline headdress white and black, Bodyline headbow (revamped by me), Bodyline bow of jsk with alchemy gothic bat clip, Alchemy Gothic skull heart Tiara, Kidsyoyo Marionette girl headbow and Dear headdress handmade.
Right - Handmade sash and rosett.

I have not taken a photograph all of my jewellery as it is too much to photograph but so far that is my small lolita collection which will be gaining more soon. I also have not taken a picture of my shoes as I was in a hurry when I did this and forgot.

Hope you enjoyed looking at my starting again gothic wardrobe,
Pleasant Dreams†