Tuesday, 9 September 2014

† Halloween Costume/Coordinate Idea†

† Halloween Costume/Coordinate Idea† 

Halloween is just around the corner and because of it I decided to share with you my idea for this years coordinate / costume.

So above is the basic of my outfit for Halloween of course, this is the base of the look and wont have all my edits until its done. For the few of you who are on my fb you may have remember back in January that I designed this coordinate with a plan to wear it for a fashion event, I called it the "White Witch" but I decided to wear it for Halloween instead. I have revamped the idea since then but the blood layout will still be the same~

The idea is a banshee mixed with Shironuri~

† The wig is going to be restyle to be more hime gyaru and backcombed to be huge (clips will be removed to be used to make the wig bigger) 
† The hair will also be decorated with roses for the day.  This may also be edited with lace and extra details.
† I am hoping not to go too far on the Guro side but we will see how it turns out~
† The mouth (if i get the laytext on time) will be made to be sharp like a screaming banshee demon. This will be a very fun effect and I am hoping it turns out well.

† I have already ordered my bee wax base and white face paint/foundation for the shironuri flawless base but I am very nervous about doing it and hope it works. If it does I will do it a lot more~
† The RHS are for height and will be matched with white spiked as well. 
† Fake blood will be placed strategically onto the tights and dress to look not over the top but near realistic.
† I hope this will work, I am also considering adding some Shironuri to the mix as well to increase the detail. It will be a lot of work but will hopefully be a fun experience.

I sketched out this little cartoon for an idea of my look and hoping it works out a million times better than planned.

Halloween is so exciting,
Pleasant Dreams †

† Update†

† Update† 

For the majority of people who read my facebook they know that I have barely been online or even doing anything the past few weeks.

Why? Tonsillitis. 

I have had this since I was very young and it has hounded me for most of my life but recently due to my boyfriend getting sick, his illness spread around to everyone, including me. I was a little ill but then as soon as my neck got wind within a day the tonsillitis set in and I was K.O! However after a trip to the doc's for pills I stayed home on a  liquid diet and medicine and am now finally better.


I have a new phone! Yes I have joined the 21st centenary and bought a new phone. My old one was dying and no longer lasted past an hour before the battery died. Problem is I ended up having to cancel the purchase of a dress to afford it. I am gutted but I need a phone more than a dress.

Because of this, as well as my new tripod arriving I will be able to do youtube videos again and I am mega excited for it. Already have a lot lined up as well as a huge bodyline unboxing. (I already opened my btssb stuff so I'll do a different video on that) But here a photograph below of my trying on my new baby jsk with a silly button open on my blouse haha.

Glad to be better,
Pleasant Dreams †