Friday, 10 July 2015

† 30 Day Fashion Photo Challenge Day One †

So after being crazy busy the last few days with romantic derping due to our anniversary but I decided to get this started.

✧~†DAY ONE†~✧
Inside Your Closet/Wardrobe

I have not got any recent photographs of it but this photograph was taken a month or so ago. This is more or less my wardrobe and how I keep it. The sleeves are where I keep my accessories, bling and headbows/headdress etc... I also keep my craft boxes on top and my paper work on the bottom. The top long shelf contains my shoes and my bonnets.

I also have an EGL wardrobe post from last December that has a few more photographs of how I display things in my wardrobe and room. 

That's it folks.
✧~† Pleasant Dreams†~✧

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