Tuesday, 14 July 2015

† 30 Day Fashion Photo Challenge Day Two - Six†

† 30 Day Fashion Photo Challenge  †
✧~†Days 2 to 6†~✧

Well this did not work as well as I wanted. I have been crazy busy the last few days so my Internet usage has been very slow however the idea of bundling these up after a few days does appeal to me and IMO makes it a little easier to control.

✧~†Day Two†~✧
Latest Purchase (s)

I have just done an order from the website Bodyline for some wardrobe fillers and slightly more normal looking things. They have no actually arrived atm as they are stuck In customs but they will be items I plan to review for my blog.

Firstly I bought this simple jsk with delectable bows as I do not have many dresses I can wear casually. I am hoping that this dress will fit elegantly and be something I can enjoy on a summer day.
Secondly I grabbed this cardigan in white. I already own this in black but I wanted the white to go with my dress that I am going to be wearing for the meet this Saturday.
Thirdly I bought this blouse in the black-offwhite.  I have NO IDEA if this is gonna fit, the size is a bit off for me in my breasts but since it was incredibly cheep I thought I would give it a go. No huge loss but it is a nice way to review it.
Finally I got this derpy crown. yes I do think it looks daft but I plan to take it apart and make it look like something fancier with roses and doves~

✧~†Day Three†~✧
Something You love But Hardly Wear.

My boyfriend bought me this vampire requiem replica jsk some time ago and I do love it. It is the only replica that I own but I can not part with it. The dress has so much meaning to me so I keep it for days when me and Shinji are doing something special together.

✧~†Day Four†~✧
Favorite Bag

I adore this coffin bag that I bought from The Great Goth in Whitby. It is simple, solid and does the job whilst looking fabulous. I also love that it is a back pack so it is super easy to carry. I prefer bags that have a good look but a solid function. I dislike floppy bags like tote bags and only realy use a tote bag as a last minute thing or for my grocery shopping~

✧~†Day Five†~✧
What's In Your Bag

What's not in my bag? I tend to always carry a lot of essentials in my bag plus some emergency items.
  • My long purse and key.
  • Buspass.
  • Assorted make up.
  • Emergency monthly gift stick (if you know what I mean haha)
  • Mini sewing kit.
  • Hair cutting scissors.
  • Contact Lens solution. 
  • Medication.
  • Tissues for Shinji (He gets realy bad instant nose bleeds sometimes so I always carry a bunch of tissues for him)
  • Mints.
  • Deodorant.
  • Perfume. Disney Princess Aurora.
  • Dust Mask.
  • Spare Wig Cap.
  • Hand Sanitizer.
  • Hair brush and comb.
  • Mp3 Player (This is actually Shinji's spare mp3 player that he does not use because he got a better one so he lets me use his)

It sounds like a lot but it really isn't. I have crazy OCD so without these items on a long day I feel like I have to have these things just in case. However this does not mean I can not deal without them. Usually if I am just with Shinji on my casual days, out of lolita, I just take my mini foundation pot, lip stick, eye shadow, purse, mints and maybe a perfume.

✧~†Day Six†~✧
On Trend Item You Are Loving.

An on trend item huh? Hmm I had to actually think pretty hard on this one as I do not follow any trends but I do wear something that seems to be trending atm and they are my heart chokers. I have two of these beauties, one in black and one in white. I wear them daily and I fell they really finish my look.

When I was a teen, my ex fiancée bought me a spiked studded collar that said "SLAVE" super classy I know but I wore it practically every day until I became a sweet lolita and got some level of self respect lol (That was a few eyars ago now as well I am pretty gothic again haha) I have quite a collection of chokers actually as you can see from the image above but I tend to keep my more special chokers/collars for certain looks. In my casual outfits I wear my heart choker, in my goth items I wear my studded collar and for my lolita coordinates I either wear my bird skull choker or one of my cross chokers. I think it's always nice to have some variety <3

Onwards to the next set.
✧~† Pleasant Dreams†~✧

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