Tuesday, 14 July 2015

† 30 Day Fashion Photo Challenge Day Two - Six†

† 30 Day Fashion Photo Challenge  †
✧~†Days 2 to 6†~✧

Well this did not work as well as I wanted. I have been crazy busy the last few days so my Internet usage has been very slow however the idea of bundling these up after a few days does appeal to me and IMO makes it a little easier to control.

✧~†Day Two†~✧
Latest Purchase (s)

I have just done an order from the website Bodyline for some wardrobe fillers and slightly more normal looking things. They have no actually arrived atm as they are stuck In customs but they will be items I plan to review for my blog.

Firstly I bought this simple jsk with delectable bows as I do not have many dresses I can wear casually. I am hoping that this dress will fit elegantly and be something I can enjoy on a summer day.
Secondly I grabbed this cardigan in white. I already own this in black but I wanted the white to go with my dress that I am going to be wearing for the meet this Saturday.
Thirdly I bought this blouse in the black-offwhite.  I have NO IDEA if this is gonna fit, the size is a bit off for me in my breasts but since it was incredibly cheep I thought I would give it a go. No huge loss but it is a nice way to review it.
Finally I got this derpy crown. yes I do think it looks daft but I plan to take it apart and make it look like something fancier with roses and doves~

✧~†Day Three†~✧
Something You love But Hardly Wear.

My boyfriend bought me this vampire requiem replica jsk some time ago and I do love it. It is the only replica that I own but I can not part with it. The dress has so much meaning to me so I keep it for days when me and Shinji are doing something special together.

✧~†Day Four†~✧
Favorite Bag

I adore this coffin bag that I bought from The Great Goth in Whitby. It is simple, solid and does the job whilst looking fabulous. I also love that it is a back pack so it is super easy to carry. I prefer bags that have a good look but a solid function. I dislike floppy bags like tote bags and only realy use a tote bag as a last minute thing or for my grocery shopping~

✧~†Day Five†~✧
What's In Your Bag

What's not in my bag? I tend to always carry a lot of essentials in my bag plus some emergency items.
  • My long purse and key.
  • Buspass.
  • Assorted make up.
  • Emergency monthly gift stick (if you know what I mean haha)
  • Mini sewing kit.
  • Hair cutting scissors.
  • Contact Lens solution. 
  • Medication.
  • Tissues for Shinji (He gets realy bad instant nose bleeds sometimes so I always carry a bunch of tissues for him)
  • Mints.
  • Deodorant.
  • Perfume. Disney Princess Aurora.
  • Dust Mask.
  • Spare Wig Cap.
  • Hand Sanitizer.
  • Hair brush and comb.
  • Mp3 Player (This is actually Shinji's spare mp3 player that he does not use because he got a better one so he lets me use his)

It sounds like a lot but it really isn't. I have crazy OCD so without these items on a long day I feel like I have to have these things just in case. However this does not mean I can not deal without them. Usually if I am just with Shinji on my casual days, out of lolita, I just take my mini foundation pot, lip stick, eye shadow, purse, mints and maybe a perfume.

✧~†Day Six†~✧
On Trend Item You Are Loving.

An on trend item huh? Hmm I had to actually think pretty hard on this one as I do not follow any trends but I do wear something that seems to be trending atm and they are my heart chokers. I have two of these beauties, one in black and one in white. I wear them daily and I fell they really finish my look.

When I was a teen, my ex fiancée bought me a spiked studded collar that said "SLAVE" super classy I know but I wore it practically every day until I became a sweet lolita and got some level of self respect lol (That was a few eyars ago now as well I am pretty gothic again haha) I have quite a collection of chokers actually as you can see from the image above but I tend to keep my more special chokers/collars for certain looks. In my casual outfits I wear my heart choker, in my goth items I wear my studded collar and for my lolita coordinates I either wear my bird skull choker or one of my cross chokers. I think it's always nice to have some variety <3

Onwards to the next set.
✧~† Pleasant Dreams†~✧

Friday, 10 July 2015

† 30 Day Fashion Photo Challenge Day One †

So after being crazy busy the last few days with romantic derping due to our anniversary but I decided to get this started.

✧~†DAY ONE†~✧
Inside Your Closet/Wardrobe

I have not got any recent photographs of it but this photograph was taken a month or so ago. This is more or less my wardrobe and how I keep it. The sleeves are where I keep my accessories, bling and headbows/headdress etc... I also keep my craft boxes on top and my paper work on the bottom. The top long shelf contains my shoes and my bonnets.

I also have an EGL wardrobe post from last December that has a few more photographs of how I display things in my wardrobe and room. 

That's it folks.
✧~† Pleasant Dreams†~✧

† 45 Questions About Me †

✧~†45 Questions†~✧

✧~†ABOUT ME†~✧

1. Are you more feminine or masculine?
I am obviously so manly that you can see my muscles through my burando. In all seriousness though I guess I am quite feminine? It s hard to describe in full honesty as I am gender fluid but I would describe myself as a person who likes to dress up and partake in more feminine activities disregarding gender. 

How I dress in relation to this really depends on my mood. Above is a few realy bad selfies on my broken phone. Of course as you know I wear lolita dresses often but there are some occasions via normal wear where I shall wear figure hugging dresses, tights and high heels but then on the other part of this I wear legging, doc martins boots, over sized hoodies and slouch hats. This can be the same for anyone really but it varies for myself. I also do not always wear a lot of make up due to my skins reaction to it, I tend to just wear my eye liner and black eye shadow.

2. Are you tall or short?
5,4"-NOPE Apparently I am actually smaller than this. My mam is 5,5" and stood next to me after this was posted. I am more like 5,2"/5,3". So I am short but I wear a mix of normal and extreme platforms most of the time that put me up to 5,8", sometime 6'0" roughly. Most people believe I am tall but have a good giggle when the crazy platforms come off. The photograph below is of my shoe collection so you get the idea~

3. What’s your favorite color?
That to me is a trick question due to the spectrum effect. I often say that my favorite color is white however if white light is beamed through a prism it will then split up the light into a series of colours. So you'll find that white light is actually made of many other colours. You can thank Newton for that fact you've just learned kids but white is my preferred color~

4. What do you love about yourself?
That to me is something hard to answer. I do not tend to think of many things that I actually enjoy about myself. I guess if I had to pick something I would say it is my ability to makes things just by looking at them. No I am not saying I am some sort of insane genius but I do have quite a few good skills when it comes to craft and cooking. I also enjoy the fact that I study a lot and am often full of facts and helpful tips from almost everything. People have started to say that I am a walking, talking, breathing wikipedia of useful and useless knowledge.

5. What’s your greatest flaw?
I don't tolerate intolerance. I was raised and educated to believe that everyone, from every form of life has an opinion and a mind of their own and therefore I should respect it. WELL, I don't. I can't stand discrimination of any kind. Homophobia, racism, transphobia, sexism etc... and I will out right tell it to your face. Ever since I gained this strong confidence of "not giving a single fuck" I have gotten myself into near fisty cuffs with random strangers who have performed something of these acts. I won't stand for it at all. Fuck freedom of speech when it comes to opinions of "race, gender, sexuality, etc...", if you can't accept science and how the human body actually functions then go fuck yourself.

6. Do you see yourself differently than other people describe you?
 I often get described as a very extroverted person but in a way it is because I feel I have to be. I get really bad anxiety so by forcing myself into the "lime light" it helps me deal with it and over come it. I often just make a fool of myself, joke around and make people feel happy. In return, seeing their smiles makes me feel at home however when I am by myself I sit or walk around quietly, listening to Mozart or The Birthday Massacre. I enjoy peace and quiet~

7. What are you really, really good at? 
Making things from viewing them. I have this ability to make things from scratch after I have seen them once. No, I am not talking about microchips but I guess anything is possible. I am mainly good with this ability via cooking and craft/clothing creation.

8. What’s something you’re bad at, but love? 
Baking. Despite the fact that I am an aspiring chef and can cook amazingly, baking is not my strong point. I either bake okay or not very good at all. It is a skill I would like to improve because I feel if I choose to be a chef I should learn how to master baking too.

9. What’s something people have tried to force you to do? 
Be something I am not. Needless to say I am my own person thanks to my loved ones, friends and family. All with my own aspirations and desires but for a long time I was encouraged to be something I was not to please others.

10. How do you spend your free time? 
Playing Assassin's Creed, Dante's Inferno, The Sims games etc... When I am not gaming I study things from around the world and food or I am talking to friends and hanging out with my family and boyfriend~

11. Describe the way you dress in one sentence. 
"A pleasant monochromatic nightmare with a resting bitch face"

12. Have you ever gotten your nails professionally painted? 
I used to get them done quite a lot when I was into sweet lolita, hime and gyaru fashion. They were freaking huge but the cost of them got to much. £45 a month is not what I call a good investment when you can not to pick your nose.

13. What is the most insulting thing anyone has said to you? 
I can not really say it without making everyone laugh at how pathetic this person is with his greezy hair and acne ridden body but it was something so silly that everyone who I have told about it role their eyes to hear it.

14. Favorite game? 
Ooooo I guess its Assassins Creed Rogue <3 I have played it so many times I just fucking love it. 

15. What color is your hair?
Half golden blond half black atm? I plan on making the blonder section white just like my wigs but I have been a little too busy atm. It has taken a very long time for my hair to grow back and this (Photograph below) is the result so far. This fun derpy photographs was due to me getting my dust mask but shows my hair so far.~


16. Do you believe in god? 
 Hmm I do not know. I believe it is something you will find out when your dead.

17. Is men’s rights a thing? 
I am not sure what this question means but do you mean equal rights? Because then that is an obvious no brainer.

18. Does love really exist? 
Yes, it is a chemical reaction in the brain. It is there to help us reproduce and protect our young, even animals have it~

19. Can science explain everything, eventually? 
I believe it can yes. I am a strong believer in science. If it can be proven by facts and evidence then it simple is. Some things just need common sense.

20. Are we raised into what we love, or do we come to love it based on how we were raised? 
This all depends on circumstance.

21. How do you feel about the school system? 
I believe it is dated. Algebra? No teach our youth how to do tax's,  how to grow food, how to survive in the wild, how to fix our planet. Instead our government keep our youth stupid so they can not amount to much without good money, extreme hard work or pure luck. The film below really expresses how I feel about education.

22. Do you believe in fate/destiny? 
I do.

23. What is art? 
 An expression of imagination, skill and emotion.

24. Do we define ourselves, or does our past? 
I believe the past helps make you who you are but in time we are defined by our actions in the present. You can not judge an adult for actions they did as a child you know?

25. What happens after we die? 
I do not know but scientifically we rot, decompose and get eaten by worms.

26. Do humans matter--tiny specs on a floating piece of rock in a solar 27. system in a galaxy in an infinite universe? 
I think we are fleas on a blue and green orb with the power to protect our earth, instead we destroy it. Humans are fucking stupid.

28. Is there good in everyone? 
Thats just common sense. There is of course good and bad in everyone. 
29. Does apathy really exist? 
 This is a stupid question. Apathy is"lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern."

29. Is human life only valuable because our society makes it? 
We are chemically designed to have emotion for our fellow mortals.

30. How do you feel about society, the vague “they” blamed for everything?
I do not understand the question fully but we are at fault for our own actions and the same others are at fault for their own actions whether it effects someone or not.

✧~† ROMANCE †~✧

31. What gender do you prefer? 
None. I am "demi-sexual". I got wrong information some time back when others told me I was pansexual.

32. What’s the first thing you notice about someone? 
Their eyes. In my opinion eyes are the window to the soul.

33. Could you love someone you found ugly? 
Ugly on the inside? No the can fuck off.
Ugly on the outside? Of course I could love them.

34. Favorite hair color? 
Well the depends entirely on the person but I do appreciate bright or wild colored hair on others~

35. Favorite eye color? 

36. Ideal height? 

37. Describe, personality-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like? 
 A person who is loyal, loving and real. I like someone who can make me laugh. A person who can listen to what I have to say but not agree with everything I say (I don't like "yes people"). A person who likes me for me, flaws and all. A person who is open minded but also makes very dark jokes which a sick sense of humor. I also love intelligence and dig nice people. And I like someone who is not only open about their feelings but is public about with their protection and derpy devotion.

38. Describe, appearance-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like? 
 I do not really care how a person looks tbf as long as they look after themselves aka are clean. Bad smells turn me away. I so however also enjoy people who are fashion forward and love to wear near matching outfits with me. I also enjoy cool styled hair and make up.~

39. What do you look for--brains or looks? 

40. Could you fall in love online? 
I guess it could be done but I would HAVE to meet that person. No cat fish for me plez.
41. How much of an age cap can you handle? 
 Age does not bother me but as long as they are old enough to legally drink and not so old that they have grandchildren.

42. How would you introduce yourself on a blind date? 
I would wear my favorite lolita coordinate and see how they react to me.

43. Could you forgive a cheater? 

44. Is lying about something serious as bad as cheating? 
Depends on the lie really.

45. Right now, you could call the person you like/love (if you aren’t dating/engaged/married already), or show up at their front door, and just confess or kiss them or whatever. What’s stopping you? 
Well for a start I already have a boyfriend and all is cool so yes I could call him and tell him I love him... again. He just left a few hours ago though and is at work so it may be a pain atm haha. 
Secondly no, I do not think Mana-Sama would appreciate me flinging my frilly ass at him. Neither would his wife or children haha.
Thirdly, I am monogamous so if this WAS to happen it would be when I was not in a relationship. Doing it whilst your already committed to someone is a dick move.

That's it folks.
✧~† Pleasant Dreams†~✧