Friday, 19 December 2014

† EGL Wardrobe Post †

† EGL Wardrobe Post †

Hello all. I am sorry that it has been such a long time since I have posted here but I have a lot to update and a lot to chat about. Firstly before I do a bunch of blog post about my boring life I would like to bring a small time of the year to everyone attention. In lolita, it is common and almost customary to share ones wardrobe. Sites such as EGL often do the grand EGL wardrobe post to share a persons collection and give incite into the style and mind of said person. I have changed my style quite drastically recently and delve into the beautiful world of gothic macabre and disturbia.

If I could title myself a made up lolita style I would grant myself the description of "Occult lolita" because as of late I have truly become obsessed with occult symbol in fashion as well as religion. This unusual take on fashion, mixing with Gothic Lolita has meant that my wardrobe has changed a lot and has also started to gain extremely over the top details such a pentagrams, horns, crosses and satanic symbols. 

I will state that what you see here is roughly what I have so far as I recently sold quite a few items and have now started to collect brand items. These more pricy items will not arrive until after the holidays and has been part of my wardrobe pursuit. As you may know I sold all my sweet lolita to go gothic and now that I have a basic and respectable base wardrobe I can now start on my more extravagant search for key lolita pieces and brand sets. FYI please forgive the cam quality, my new phone is better than my last but still no wear near as great as my boyfriends camera.

† A Sneak Peek Into My Crypt †

I managed to take a few photographs of my room of how I store things. Yes, the walls are not exactly un-kawaii but I opted to build my wardrobe first and gain my furniture before I decided to paint my walls and make my vampire requiem curtains.

† My Accessories †

I have found a little clever way on storing the burnt and bulk of my items with these lovely little flat plastic bowls. Halloween past me and Shinji popped to Asda to see an array of amazing Halloween goods, naturally I grabbed what I could and decided to use them for storage display. 

The first lot of accessories I'dd like to show you are my chokers. I have started gaining a fondness for chokers again and due to this have started to build a decorated set and multi functional necklaces that can also be worn as chokers.

 Monster High - Choker and Bracelet set
Handmade - Ruffle Chiffon Collar
Hell-Kiss-Me - White and Black Metal heart Ring Chokers
Refuse To Be Usual - Spiked Dog Collar
Claires - Chain Cross Choker ( A lovely xmas gift from one of my monster beasties Kiki)

This next lot here in this large bowl is an assortment of random goodies that I cna place no where. Gloves, Clips, bows, etc.. All are here for safe keeping and sit here with my little plague rat "Lucifer" which will soon become a headdress. I will also add that I actually have about 6 pairs of gloves but the rest are in the washing machine as we speak~

Shirring Ribbon
Assorted roses - Offbrand and Bodyline
Kreepsville 666 - Horns, pentagram eyeball bow and skeleton clips.
Gore Whore / Make Up Whore - Custom Necklaces
Extreme Largeness - Giant Cross
Black/White old school bow - Modded Bodyline
Cross Earrings - Offbrand

Of course there is more but there is no point going on about them so lets move on to these two little vintage items here. This snake bracelet was a gift from my Auntie and these hair pins were bought recently so they could make my forehead jewelery stand out more~

Now we move onto the many bows and headdresses I have. Now this took awhile to build and if I am honest a lot of these bows came with the dresses and I would very much like to buy some brand bows soon to go with my coordinates.

I have here;
Mini Mouse Light up Headdress. (Turns red)
Kidsyoyo Marionette Girlheadbow

Giant Devil Horns - Handmade by me
Alchemy Gothic - Skull Heart Tuara.
Bodyline Alice in Wonderland vs 2 headbow
The Nightmare Before Christmas Music Earmuffs (a gift from my hunny)
A headmade skeleton headbow on a spike bodyline band with an alchemy gothic sliver bat clip (a mouthful)

Assorted Bodyline Bows
Bodyline round headdresses in black and white.

And on the far right is a handy-skeleton Hand. I used this to get my bows off of the wall because I am too short to reach them on my own~


This is probably my favorite collection of necklaces to date with even more kreepvilles skeleton clips on the right.

Aclhemy Gothic - Heart Locket (Gift from my bf) and Silver Bat Necklace
Satan Bling, upside down cross & metal cross - Extreme Largeness

Skull and Crossbon, Monster High necklace - Poundland (Awh Yeah)
Multi Cross Necklace - Offbrand
Heart bottle necklace - Made by Kiri
Skull plastic necklace - Poundworld

Moi Dix Mois Pendent
Black Cross with Jet stone - Hand-me-down from my mother <3

These are two of my three parasols. I have left my black one somewhere and cant locate it at this moment in time. A fur shawl i got from my friend Kiki and my new glasses chain. You wont believe how hard it is to take a pic when you can not see haha.

 † BAGS †

I LOVE bags, but not just any bags, bags that match my coordinates to perfection. These bags do not just get used for lolita I use them often and they are beautiful.

Killstar - Baphomet Backpack and Pentagram Bag
Offbrand - Marionette Girl Bag
(Cant recall brand) - Coffin Backpack
Bodyline - Heart Bag

Primark - Polkadot bag (Added pvc bow from me)

† Shoes / Boot Collection †

When it comes to shoes I am very boring. I would rather have the same style in different colours then to have 50 million similar style shoes. It is just a waste of space.

These boots here are from Demonia but the rest is ALL BODYLINE. I own three pairs of the punk high heels, two pairs of rocket horse shoes (rhs) and one pair of lolita flats. My only plan is to buy a white pair of flats, rhs and boots for future and then I am done. I do not like to go crazy on the shoes so this is enough for me~

† Blouses / Cutsew / Boleros †

I wont go into much details here to be fair as they are all self explanatory but here is my collection of tops and boleros~

Above and Below

Bodyline (Left) Baby The Stars Shine Bright (Right)

Chiffon Polka Blouse - Offbrand (Left), Bodyline (Right and below)

† JSK and OP's †

Kidsyoyo (left) Bodyline (Right)

Bodyline (Both)

Bodyline (Both)

Bodyline (Both) 

Bodyline (Both)

  Bodyline (Left) DOL (Right)

Now this replica wont be a dress much longer. My aim next year is to get my second dream dress being the original vampire requiem so this dress will become curtains or pillows. Fun times~

† Inspiration Books †

And of course no wardrobe is complete without something to inspire it. So here is my book collection which helps me often <3

Well I hope you enjoyed my collection and I would love to see yours. Please feel free to link your blog post in the comment section below of what you own.

~Pleasant dreams~

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

† Halloween Costume/Coordinate Idea†

† Halloween Costume/Coordinate Idea† 

Halloween is just around the corner and because of it I decided to share with you my idea for this years coordinate / costume.

So above is the basic of my outfit for Halloween of course, this is the base of the look and wont have all my edits until its done. For the few of you who are on my fb you may have remember back in January that I designed this coordinate with a plan to wear it for a fashion event, I called it the "White Witch" but I decided to wear it for Halloween instead. I have revamped the idea since then but the blood layout will still be the same~

The idea is a banshee mixed with Shironuri~

† The wig is going to be restyle to be more hime gyaru and backcombed to be huge (clips will be removed to be used to make the wig bigger) 
† The hair will also be decorated with roses for the day.  This may also be edited with lace and extra details.
† I am hoping not to go too far on the Guro side but we will see how it turns out~
† The mouth (if i get the laytext on time) will be made to be sharp like a screaming banshee demon. This will be a very fun effect and I am hoping it turns out well.

† I have already ordered my bee wax base and white face paint/foundation for the shironuri flawless base but I am very nervous about doing it and hope it works. If it does I will do it a lot more~
† The RHS are for height and will be matched with white spiked as well. 
† Fake blood will be placed strategically onto the tights and dress to look not over the top but near realistic.
† I hope this will work, I am also considering adding some Shironuri to the mix as well to increase the detail. It will be a lot of work but will hopefully be a fun experience.

I sketched out this little cartoon for an idea of my look and hoping it works out a million times better than planned.

Halloween is so exciting,
Pleasant Dreams †

† Update†

† Update† 

For the majority of people who read my facebook they know that I have barely been online or even doing anything the past few weeks.

Why? Tonsillitis. 

I have had this since I was very young and it has hounded me for most of my life but recently due to my boyfriend getting sick, his illness spread around to everyone, including me. I was a little ill but then as soon as my neck got wind within a day the tonsillitis set in and I was K.O! However after a trip to the doc's for pills I stayed home on a  liquid diet and medicine and am now finally better.


I have a new phone! Yes I have joined the 21st centenary and bought a new phone. My old one was dying and no longer lasted past an hour before the battery died. Problem is I ended up having to cancel the purchase of a dress to afford it. I am gutted but I need a phone more than a dress.

Because of this, as well as my new tripod arriving I will be able to do youtube videos again and I am mega excited for it. Already have a lot lined up as well as a huge bodyline unboxing. (I already opened my btssb stuff so I'll do a different video on that) But here a photograph below of my trying on my new baby jsk with a silly button open on my blouse haha.

Glad to be better,
Pleasant Dreams †

Saturday, 23 August 2014

† Random Bloggity 4†

† Random Bloggity 4†


Today was a very fun day. As most people know I am usually the type who enjoys company ad very rarely requires time alone but today I escaped the house for some me time and it was so relaxing. Felt like some sort of weirdo too of magical proportions. The reason for that was I caught 2 rainbows in the sky, one outside my house and another on the way out. I adore sunny/rainy weather, it just looks so magical. I like the photographs above, makes me want to pout more often but I prefer to smile in photographs but.. IDK I feel like a camera whore in this photograph... #selfie :B

 My evil lunch. There is nothing more overriding with sin than a KFC popcorn chicken meal with gravy and pepsi max but it was great and very filling for a first meal of the day. I felt really odd sitting eating on my own as I usually never do that. This was quite rare and was also kind of nice. I found myself catching peoples eyes a lot as they stared at me and my food. It was funny in my response as I simply nodded and smiled to people which gave me some pretty nice replies. A lot of smiles and giggles were had.

However it wasn't all nice. Due to the fact I was sat on my own I did get a bit of unwanted attention. This older man (assuming 35ish?) kept watching me eat and kept giving me the eye up. He did start to swagger over to say hi but thank god some kids sat next to me. He must have assumed the kids were with me because he stopped walking towards me, paused, then turned and walked away. Weird.

Out of Tea.

After a look week of essay writing and being over powered with monster energy drink me and Tony went out to pick up some foodies and head back. On our way out however Tony took me to Scorpio and I managed to get these red Doc's at nearly 50% off for being second hand. Needless to say I bought these bad boys and have worn them almost every day since I got them.


They do have some scuffs on them from the previous owner (hence why they were so cheep) but that don't bother me. I wanted a pair for scuffing about in anyways so these are perfect for me. I also found it funny how the color matches my nails.

After our shoes trip we popped into this new cafe for lunch and OMG the cakes were godly. I was very happy but sad I could not finish my cake. The pic below here... you can almost tell Tony wanted to hide because the image came out blurry.


Sleep over

 We headed over to Misty's house to celebrate her birthday and to hang out. It was a very nice hang out and the veagen cake Cheryl baked was lovely.

We also did photoshoots and entertained the arts. I Cooked a huge ramen pot for everyone and we just had a really nice time. It was also very cool in the morning too as we saw Misty's new poster for PuSh was up. Seeing her as a cover girl is mega cool!

 Studying days

Just a quick outfit of what I wore for the cramming sessions.

 Extra Photographs from PuSH
Event blog post HERE

Random times are always fun,
Pleasant Dreams †