Sunday, 24 May 2015

† Bodyline: L329 Review †

† Bodyline: L329 Review † 


Style : JSK

Color Way : White

Back center of length 93cm
Bust 94-104cm
Waist 80-90cm

Dress Information

This is another one that many people have asked me to do a review on so here it is. I have owned this dress in three of the color ways. Pink, black and white. Since the first release of this dress the fabric quality and shape of the dress has improved a lot and is one of the best dresses to buy from the Bodyline company. I would highly recommend this dress and will straight away say that the measurements are quite accurate and do not go smaller or larger than stated. The fabric is very nice with chiffon touches and silk bows. The thing I love the most about this dress is the simplicity of the design, despite simple it is incredibly beautiful and flow very elegantly on the body. This dress has a lot of room for a petticoat and since the fabric is so thick you could wear any shape of petticoat and it wont show through. The image at the top shows me wearing it with a black petticoat and as you can see you can not tell. I would recommend wearing a large bell and cupcake shaped petticoat with this dress as it sits like a Victorian wedding dress aka heavy bottom but flows from the waist.

Despite that this dress is using synthetic lace it is balanced out by the chiffon and does not touch the skin meaning absolutely zero irritation and perfect comfort. The chiffon is beautiful and decorated with tiny little heart. The waist ties are sadly not removable but with a little work you can fashion them into a bow, however one tail may be shorter than the other. The waist bow is removable and is finished off with 6 pretty little pearl. I found these pearls charming but wished they had pearls elsewhere on the dress to balance it out.I spotted that this dress has a few unfinished threads on the bows but nothing a pair of scissors can not fix. The dress has no lining but is still a very charming garment.
Lolibrary Link : Heart Tulle Jsk


 Dress Photographs

Coordination Idea

  Jsk: Bodyline 
High Collar Blouse : Bodyline
Wrist Cuffs : Bodyline
Tiara : Custom Made
  Rosary Necklace : Offbrand 
Specter : Handmade / Shiro Hime.


I do not think I need to say much on this outfit as it pretty much speaks for itself. This coordinate is very simple but lovely. I wanted to keep this look as shiro as possible whilst still fitting with a hime style aesthetic. Paired with white shoes, gloves, tights and glitter this outfit is fitting for an elegant occasion without breaking the bank.

I think if I was to re-wear this I would wear it with a peignoir or chiffon over skirt to give it that extra magical feel.

 Coordinate Photograph

“Adieu, once again, my children” I hosted a meet up for my local comm with the theme of royalty. For my outfit I decided to do a different take on Marie Antoinette's white gown that she wore on her way to the Guillotine. Instead of the black ribbon she wore upon her head with the cap (she cut off her hair before she died) I decided to go for black hair almost like to keep her well known beauty alive yet kept my skin pale to represent her death. I also incorporated a lot of her religious beliefs and symbolism's into the outfit, jewelry and tiara. This was my first proper attempt at a full white coordinate and it's not too bad ( I am quite happy with this outfit for once ) and there is not really anything I'd change other than my glasses. FYI I can not change my glasses as I am blind without them but I do plan to get some white glasses soon to make coordinating a little easier. Least they match my "rococo style" make up haha~


Hope this review will help answer all questions.

Pleasant dreams~

Friday, 22 May 2015

† World Goth Day 2015 - SUPPORT S.O.P.H.I.E †

† World Goth Day 2015 † 

As some of you may know the 22nd of May every year is "World Goth Day". Just lolita International lolita day it is a day dedicated to the subculture of fashion but in this case it is Gothic culture. However I would like to point out a very welcoming charity that has had a huge impact since the day it was founded;

In 2007 Sophie Lancaster and her partner Rob were brutally beaten due to their alternative appearance by a group of Chavs (In England a chav is like a redneck or scummy youth). Both were found and rushed to hospital but sadly were both in comas. Sophie never woke up from her attack and sadly passed away on August 24th 2007. From this dark and saddening event The Sophie Lancaster charity was founded was her family and her mother Sylvia. The Sophie Lancaster Foundation spread the word and travel to schools and event throughout the UK helping to create respect for and understanding of subcultures in our communities. Her mother was even awarded an OBE for "Community Cohesion - Especially In Reduction Of Hate Crime" and to this day fights for attacks like this to go under the hate crime legislation. 

Sophie's family are working their hardest to help protect and educate people in our modern society and are always open to funding and donations. If you'd like to learn more, send a donation or help spread the word of this charity please go to their website OR their merchandise store to show visual support;

Spread the word so we can fight together to one day have this law of hate crime for appearance official!

"Sophie's murder was treated as a Hate Crime by Judge Russell who sentenced the murders accordingly. Under the current UK Hate Crime Legislation, and as the motivation behind the murder was hateful, he was able to use his discretion to class it as a Hate Crime.
We are working to have "Alternative Subcultures" or "Lifestyle and Dress Code" added to the reportable Hate Crime strands to ensure that it is not a discretionary option but equal to the existing strands which are:
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Homophobia
  • Transgender 

Hate crime: First arrest for attack  "

I have decided to buy this tote bag to start wearing with my outfits as I no longer have my wrist band. If you can show phyical support buy getting something like this I would strongly advise you to at least buy a T shirt, send in a donation or buy a tote bag to show your support!  


 † How I celebrated World Goth Day †

Last year I went out a partied but this year was more calm and relaxed. I spent the burnt of today doing craft projects and talking with friends online whilst watching My Little Pony. Yes I am that kind of person I enjoy bright colors, music and shiny things. I did dress up but it was nothing fancy and even took a bad quality bath room selfie as you do.

I even "gothed up" my lunch for the hell of it as I spent the next three or four hours making shiny accessories.

How did you celebrate world goth day? 
I hope you had a beautiful day and remember to keep being yourself.
Pleasant dreams †

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

† Bodyline: L340 Review †

† Bodyline: L340 Review † 

Brand :  Bodyline (Direct Link)
Replica: No
Style : One Piece
Colorway : Black
Length 94cm
Bust 92-102cm
Waist 76-86cm
Dress Information

I'd like to thank everyone for your pm's about this dress, I know I have not blogged for awhile but I hope this review will help you aide your purchase of such an item. Before this image of Venus Angelic was uploaded in the black I did not think much of this dress. The green color way in my opinion look washed out and cheep but on receiving the dress I had a total 160 regarding my opinion. The dress is cotton based with a beautiful chiffon overlay. It  may give the illusion of being smaller but it actually has two sections of shirring on the sides. The sleeved are puffy but I found them a bit short and near resembling a jsk in the shortness. The sleeved to torso has an unusual shape to it and as you can see from the model it is wider like a jsk hence why Venus has the hair covering her under arms. The A line cut is quite beautiful and is not designed for a larger petticoat. This OP is actually designed for women of a fuller bust and even has a shapely bust when not being worn it also has no lining inside and can be uncomfortable so best to wear something underneath if you can. 

I bought this OP second hand without the bow (sadly) and discovered when wearing it that it was near impossible to get into on my own. Shinji was kind enough to aide me when we were on holiday but by placing a simple black ribbon into the zip handle it did the job to dress myself. I also discovered that this dress has a small manufacturing error being a tiny white thread stuck between the cotton and the chiffon at the end of the zip. On a last note I found this dress was actually very short so when wearing it I wore it with an under skirt to increase the length. I will also note that this dress is a bit odd fitting on the body and would not recommend this dress to flat chested,  male *without a bra or fake bust* or tall people. This dress is flattering for busty girls but at the same time it can be really baggy on the waist (check at the bottom for coordinate photographs and dress photographs to see what I mean)


 Dress Photographs

Coordination Idea

OP : Bodyline 
Cutsew : Bodyline
Bag : The Great Goth
Overskirt : Handmade
Roasary Necklace : Offbrand and modded.

Since I was heading to Whitby Goth Weekend with Shinji I wanted to try and create an outfit that represented the weekend and its entirety. I did the shironuri technique with my base make up too which took what felt like forever to do.  The chiffon over skirt was made to go with a different dress but I felt that it worked so well with this OP and really helped give it something special. Keeping the religious theme of Whitby I decided to use the coffin bag I bought the Goth Weekend before with the rosary I modded.

After this coordinate idea I actually paired the dress with a bonnet I had handmade and a small silver cross chain to extenuate the headdress. I did find the bonnet quite interesting to wear and I did remark a lot that it was "My cone of shame" *Up Movie Reference* I also paired it with some spiked rocking horse shoes, Modded cross wrist cuffs, black tights, handmade underskirt and was meant to add some black roses but alas I left my black roses at home so I feel the coordinate worn photograph below was lacking and missed that little something to finish it off. As I said above the dress also has a weird shape for the arms so I wore a black cutsew underneath, sadly because the waist was too big to balance the bust the cutsew was puffy/lace bottom down from the under bust so it kept riding up so if I was to wear a cutsew again I'd go for a fitted one instead.

Coordinate Photograph

 Overall I think this is a nice dress but sadly, as I said, I would not recommend this to fellow male or flat chested lolitas unless you plan to wear a padded bra or fake implants with it. Also if you are a tall lolita you may have to wear this with an underskirt so you may flash people your bloomers a bit more than you want to. 

Thanks for reading,
Pleasant dreams~