Sunday, 29 June 2014

† POST : Awaiting †

† POST †

Awaiting for your stuff in the post, is there anything more exciting? Currently I am waiting for quite a few item's with deposits on other awaiting to buy so here's a small list of things currently on the way to me with a few things I am awaiting to buy.

 Some music to accompany your browsing.

Vampire Requiem.

Name: Vampire Requiem / VR
Brand: Dream Of Lolita
Real or Replica: Replica
Original Brand : Alice and The Pirates/Baby The Stars Shine Bright
Color : Black

I would love to own the original by Alice and the Pirates but I am plus sized at this moment in time and despite loosing weight I still have a few inches to go before I can fit into the original VR. The measurements for the original AATP's jsk are 74cm to 95cm bust and 64-76cm waist, I am currently at 104cm and have since the new diet and exercise routine have lost 10/9cm's off my bust and 6cm off my waist. (Will do a weight loss blog entry soon when I next get weighed and measured) and to fit more comfortably into the jsk many have recommended I wait until I reach a 95cm bust before buying the original jsk an selling my replicas (or turning them into pillows as is my side plan)

If you know the original it is quite small and despite the fact I have lost enough weight to fit into certain/most with shirring brand clothes it will be at least half a year of solid work before I can fit into these sort of clothes again (if possible, VR is incredibly small) however despite this in the sales I was able to nab the black colorway of VR for £20 cheaper due to a buyer drop out.

I already own the replica red colorway which was a Christmas gift from my boyfriend and had to wait 2 months for it to be made then shipped from China to the UK, however this time I was extremely fortunate as a buyer had ordered the black colorway but backed out of the sale leaving the shopping service I use to pop it up for sale a little cheaper since the buyer lost their deposit. Since it was on the cheap I quickly nabbed it and now just have to wait roughly 20 days for it to get to me from China.

My first taste of vampire requiem was some time ago when I was loaned the jsk for a night out. This was the first time in a long time I actually dressed the way I truly wanted and hadn't felt happier in such a beautiful outfit. Simple but very pretty and with my love with giant wigs the head eating bow for me looked way better on the head rather than the waist.

When my vampire requiem jsk in black arrives I plan to do some creative self twinning photo's for a bit a creative fun.

Marionette Girl
One piece and Headbow

Name: Marionette Girl
Brand: Kidsyoyo
Real or Replica: Replica
Original Brand : Angelic Pretty
Color : Black

As some of you may know (the few on my facebook) Marionette girl is one of my dream dresses and if your into lolita you may know what a pain in the arse this is to find in the black or red colorway. The pink and blue sell often but those colorway mentioned have been the bane of my frilly search for some time. You may think "Well that's not bad at least you can buy the replica easily enough?" WRONG, so so so wrong, due to the company Kidsyoyo stopping in the production of this dress in 2011the replica is also if not a little harder to find these days and I have over ever found it 2 times this year. The first time I went to buy I was too large to fit the dress so I had to drop the sale and now that I have lost weight I decided to continue my search for the dress.

Originally I wanted the jsk but so far I have had no lucky finding it in the colors I want and just recently I popped on the egl_comm_sales to find a seller selling this OP replica with the matching head bow. This for me is a huge bonus as I love to own set's and since it was for sale I instantly nabbed this jsk on a payment plan and now it is on the way to me from France. Woohoo. My only concern is because this dress is old I worry if it had some wear and tear due to the fact it is a velvet dress but we will see upon arrival. I have never worn this OP but I did try the jsk once.

I wont go into details on these but I've ordered a few wigs to go with my outfits and one replacement wig on my cherry dip wig as it is my favorite wig. These wigs are all in black.


For once I have no actually bought that many accessories, only one and that is this very cool glasses chain. I love wearing glasses but I find them somehow lacking and when I popped into an accessory store a very nice Thai lady advised me into glasses chains. I quite like the idea, it seems nice and despite the fact I rarely take my glasses off it would be nice to bling out my glasses as I am due for a new pair in February which is some time away.

Make Up


I had a huge facebook chat with a bunch of humans about my need for some skin whitening products and/or some sort of make up to match my pale skin tone. I was directed to the Etude House CC product's and have nabbed the Cream Glow and Cream Silky set. I have never used CC cream before so it'll be a new experience. Let;s hope I am do not develop allergies towards it.

Looking forward to showing you my swag.
Pleasant Dreams †

Friday, 27 June 2014

† Random Bloggity †

† Random Bloggity †
This blog post is a quick selection of random mini blogs with brief/random information, it is basically like a quick casual update.

Pool Day 

 The other day was absolutely lovely, shoved on some casual swag and popped out to see the sky was a stunning blue shade and it was a stunning warm afternoon. It was nice meeting up with friends and hanging out however I spent most of the time listening to cheesy music and grocery shopping.  After a meet up we went for a group meal at St Sushi (excuse the blurry photo was giggling too much) and with the share platter me and Tony ended up eating so much raw  salmon as every else did not like it. I also bought the cutest strawberry bubble tea with strawberry stars inside of it.

By days end the lot of us had a round of pool and ironically I beat Tony by default after he potted the black ball but him and Phil had an epic game and the 4 way game was so funny~

New Shoes

I took a quick snap of my new shoe's from Bodyline when I received them whilst wearing my weird tights. They are lovely shoes but I get really annoyed of how the strap keeps falling down.
Blouse Button Woes

After spending a full day out in my frill's I spotted something odd. My new bodyline blouse sleeve was twisted only onto my arm and all day it nipped me, by days end I discovered the button of the detachable sleeves had been nipping me because the button had snapped in two and the two pieces still attached to the thread were "pincering" me. It left a hefty bruise.

Cooking a Feast

Last time I was at Tony's I cook a nice full meal for us and took some photographs of it. Yummy food was yum.


Ever since I've moved back home I have developed a desire for Frappe's and often have one instead of a meal when I am out and about with friends, they are just that good however my favorite Frappe has to be the strawberry frappe from Nero's. Yummers~

that's not how you sleep in your bed.

My cat Yuffie does not have a want for conventional bed sleeping and often sleeps outside of her bed or kidnaps her sibling's beds. Silly angry kitty, why you do that?

That enough random stuff for one day,
Pleasant Dreams †

Thursday, 26 June 2014

† Lolita Meet Up 2†

† Lolita Meet Up †
With Elizabeth and Tony

So today after a late start Elizabeth, Tony and I all met up to enjoy the wonderful weather, chill out and take some nice photo's. We had a really nice time before Tony arrived, browsed some shop's, bought some fruit for breakfast and then had a lovely walk to the tea shop.

By now, the tea shop has finally clicked on that I am a bit weird as each and every time I order the same combination and each and every time they always giggle about it. If you are a lover of tea you may know that flowering tea is usually not served with milk and sugar however for me I can not drink it without it. No, it does not curdle, it acts the same as regular tea however this is the only thing to satisfy all cravings. I would actually prefer to have it with soy milk but the sold milk they give at the tea house tastes extremely salty, not sweet enough for me at all.

After this relaxing chill Tony met up with us and it was off to the Park for some derpy photo's coordination photographs and fun. The weather was perfect. A tiny amount of breeze with bursts of sunshine and shade. The park was blooming with nature and a perfect opportunity for photographs.

 It is so hard to get a photo with this man and get him to smile but he smiled... a little, in the photo with me at least but I guess his Goth self will not allow a joyful photograph of his own will.I really like those boots of his with the skull buckles, so shiny. FYI, no he is not wearing lolita/boystyle of any kind it is simply an aristocratic goth look and a charming one at that~

Elizabeth wore her walking shoes for today with her country inspired coordinate. I adore her little yellow handmade bow that she made to match with this jsk, simple but effective. I love the strawberry print all over this dress, not only was the weather perfect for it but Elizabeth suits it so much. The sun was beaming so brightly when taking her photographs and it took some arguments with our dear sky friend solar to get the right lighting effect on each photo.

I tried a bit of a bittersweet style outfit today. I found the end results of half the photographs that were taken of me very annoying due to half of the standing/full coordinate images being of me trying not to laugh. Today I decided to try out the love jewelry set and despite it's loveliness I feel this dress is not really me and after some thought I've decided to pass it on to another. I feel that if the pink on the dress was red instead I would have been much happier with it. I also felt the pink was lacking in beauty and would suit someone else much more however do not get me wrong I adore the set, it is just not for me.

I feel like I am the tallest one in our group (I am making such a weird pose in this photo above). Everyone else is so small and then there is me hovering around like some magical dead tree. After the nicer photo's Elizabeth and I decided to troll to the high heaven's and parade our stupidity upon this smiling lion statue, needless to say I think our mission was accomplished.


I do not know whatever the fudge the face is that I am pulling below but my exact quote was "OMG BUNNIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" Which pointing at a bunch of rabbits running behind Elizabeth and Tony.

Our day ended quite pleasantly, we went for a afternoon lunch at Pizza hut and received a giant BBQ Pizza for the three of us to annihilate, had a small sit and then traveled to the Green where we basked in the sun and chatted, however our peace near the days end got disturbed by a group of youth with a desired to fight/not-fight (aka says they will fight but one of them runs away like a p***** after starting the whole thing) we ended up watching from afar until everything calmed down. Turns out a youth was mad because he saw his girlfriend kissing another man so instead of blame the girlfriend he went after the man she kissed, despite this man being clueless that this girl even HAD a boyfriend and then it seemed to end with the main youth trying to cause this fight running away like a wimp when he challenged someone to a fight who was build like an iron bull. Ah life. I decided to take a photograph in case things got bad but it died down pretty quickly.

So yes it was a lovely day and next meet should be the lot of us hanging out~

Looking forward to be an idiot at the next meet up,
Pleasant Dreams †

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

† The Hoppings †

† The Hoppings †
Casual Day Out

 Me and Tony after today's coordinate rush, quickly shoved me into normals gothness and rushed to the town center to go to the Hopping's event in Newcastle.

  The weather was sunny but not too hot with a cool breeze and lovely shade. The funfair was buzzing with life and filled with music and people. We met up with a bunch of Tony's friends who has not yet met me, including the awesome DJ Kyle, the lovely Sophie and two other lovely ladies who I can not recall the name of due to how bloody load the event was (will meet up again someday I am sure) as well as a few late comer's.

I felt I ended up in an ironic situation as I was the only one going on the largest and most adrenaline junky rides. I joked a lot about how everyone else was a wimp but to be fair they all went "YEP, Go have fun avoiding death's grip" and so I did. On one of the ride's I met this lovely girl Ayumi, she was with two of her other friends in the cart infront and felt nervous going on this tall ride on her own, so I offered to sit with her and we had a lovely chat about her home town, Akita, Japan , as she and her friends had recently moved here for a university education but as you can see this ride was indeed high, so I fully understand why she was a bit nervous.

After a bit of a wonder all 6 of us decided to go on the waltzers and it was wonderful! Extremely fun and for once the music was not too bad however the photo's that were taken came out really weird. The overpowering red light's mutated the photo's into being this strange red color but I agree with Sophie in the fact they actually look quite interesting.

At day's end I really wanted a souvenir of some kind and could not find a thing until I passed one of the many sweet's stores to see this little cutie. A heart shaped lolly with a small Korean blue haired doll. It truly did not take long for me to buy it and I have yet to try the candy lolly. I plan to put this little doll on my shelf as a reminder of this fun day.

 After I got home I quickly took some photo's of my noms and sat down to chill. What better way to chill though than with a huge slice of watermelon. Yum~

A perfect end to a perfect day,
Pleasant Dreams †