Friday 27 June 2014

† Random Bloggity †

† Random Bloggity †
This blog post is a quick selection of random mini blogs with brief/random information, it is basically like a quick casual update.

Pool Day 

 The other day was absolutely lovely, shoved on some casual swag and popped out to see the sky was a stunning blue shade and it was a stunning warm afternoon. It was nice meeting up with friends and hanging out however I spent most of the time listening to cheesy music and grocery shopping.  After a meet up we went for a group meal at St Sushi (excuse the blurry photo was giggling too much) and with the share platter me and Tony ended up eating so much raw  salmon as every else did not like it. I also bought the cutest strawberry bubble tea with strawberry stars inside of it.

By days end the lot of us had a round of pool and ironically I beat Tony by default after he potted the black ball but him and Phil had an epic game and the 4 way game was so funny~

New Shoes

I took a quick snap of my new shoe's from Bodyline when I received them whilst wearing my weird tights. They are lovely shoes but I get really annoyed of how the strap keeps falling down.
Blouse Button Woes

After spending a full day out in my frill's I spotted something odd. My new bodyline blouse sleeve was twisted only onto my arm and all day it nipped me, by days end I discovered the button of the detachable sleeves had been nipping me because the button had snapped in two and the two pieces still attached to the thread were "pincering" me. It left a hefty bruise.

Cooking a Feast

Last time I was at Tony's I cook a nice full meal for us and took some photographs of it. Yummy food was yum.


Ever since I've moved back home I have developed a desire for Frappe's and often have one instead of a meal when I am out and about with friends, they are just that good however my favorite Frappe has to be the strawberry frappe from Nero's. Yummers~

that's not how you sleep in your bed.

My cat Yuffie does not have a want for conventional bed sleeping and often sleeps outside of her bed or kidnaps her sibling's beds. Silly angry kitty, why you do that?

That enough random stuff for one day,
Pleasant Dreams †

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