Saturday, 23 August 2014

† Random Bloggity 4†

† Random Bloggity 4†


Today was a very fun day. As most people know I am usually the type who enjoys company ad very rarely requires time alone but today I escaped the house for some me time and it was so relaxing. Felt like some sort of weirdo too of magical proportions. The reason for that was I caught 2 rainbows in the sky, one outside my house and another on the way out. I adore sunny/rainy weather, it just looks so magical. I like the photographs above, makes me want to pout more often but I prefer to smile in photographs but.. IDK I feel like a camera whore in this photograph... #selfie :B

 My evil lunch. There is nothing more overriding with sin than a KFC popcorn chicken meal with gravy and pepsi max but it was great and very filling for a first meal of the day. I felt really odd sitting eating on my own as I usually never do that. This was quite rare and was also kind of nice. I found myself catching peoples eyes a lot as they stared at me and my food. It was funny in my response as I simply nodded and smiled to people which gave me some pretty nice replies. A lot of smiles and giggles were had.

However it wasn't all nice. Due to the fact I was sat on my own I did get a bit of unwanted attention. This older man (assuming 35ish?) kept watching me eat and kept giving me the eye up. He did start to swagger over to say hi but thank god some kids sat next to me. He must have assumed the kids were with me because he stopped walking towards me, paused, then turned and walked away. Weird.

Out of Tea.

After a look week of essay writing and being over powered with monster energy drink me and Tony went out to pick up some foodies and head back. On our way out however Tony took me to Scorpio and I managed to get these red Doc's at nearly 50% off for being second hand. Needless to say I bought these bad boys and have worn them almost every day since I got them.


They do have some scuffs on them from the previous owner (hence why they were so cheep) but that don't bother me. I wanted a pair for scuffing about in anyways so these are perfect for me. I also found it funny how the color matches my nails.

After our shoes trip we popped into this new cafe for lunch and OMG the cakes were godly. I was very happy but sad I could not finish my cake. The pic below here... you can almost tell Tony wanted to hide because the image came out blurry.


Sleep over

 We headed over to Misty's house to celebrate her birthday and to hang out. It was a very nice hang out and the veagen cake Cheryl baked was lovely.

We also did photoshoots and entertained the arts. I Cooked a huge ramen pot for everyone and we just had a really nice time. It was also very cool in the morning too as we saw Misty's new poster for PuSh was up. Seeing her as a cover girl is mega cool!

 Studying days

Just a quick outfit of what I wore for the cramming sessions.

 Extra Photographs from PuSH
Event blog post HERE

Random times are always fun,
Pleasant Dreams †

Friday, 22 August 2014

† Concrete Weapon - Coordinate †

 † Concrete Weapon † 
Gothic Lolita Coordinate

Coordinate Rundown.

Blouse, JSK & Bow : Bodyline
Tights : Primark
Shoes : New Rock
Choker : Extreme Largeness

 After receiving this new jsk in the mail I could not wait to try it on but I was not just visiting some friends but was going to be doing a huge study/cram session for the next week. I had no idea when I'd have time to get this coordinate photographed but to my luck my boyfriend, Tony, was invited to our friends house to help her photograph an art project. So to kill two birds with one stone for our sleep over I brought a small coordinate to quickly pop on for photographs.

Concrete Weapon? The reason behind the name is a bit of a silly one. I spotted the area in which Tony took my photographs looked like a battle scene as there was bites of glass, computer parts and damage everywhere. The gray in the dress also added to the title name and made me think of some crazy lolita battle scene.

Yeah I'll let that sink it a bit. The original photo as you can see looks nothing like this jsk I wore at all (if you ask me that is). So I'll point out some details for you should it ever come back up for sale or your curiois to buy this dress from Bodyline~

The bows are removable with silver clasps (I don't have the skulls on as it was bought 2nd hand).
The bust has tulle material over the cotton base fabric.
It has a lot of ruffles.
It comes with back shirring and a ribbon on the front. I took the ribbon off because in my opinion it was a bit tacky.
The dress is a pull over (no zip) but has a lot of give.
The tulle over-skirt is very pretty/very soft.
The print is magical. The details are bows and parasols in off white/silver detail. The skirt however has roses and barbwire all over it.
This dress looks AMAZING under UV light, the details just glow!
My only downside is its a bit short so I plan to buy an underskirt to wear with it for future reference.

So yeah this is the dress. I think it was a bonus to find considering how nice it is with just a small amount of tweaking.This dress, as I said, Looks wicked under UV light so I took a small photograph of it before I headed outside to get my coordinate photographs.

 Coordinate Photographs.

Despite my tiredness I think it was worth the nice coordinate photographs. Tony always does a fine job when it comes to photogrpahs. The last image above reminds me a lot of a human doll, something that doesn't offend me and I take as a compliment. It reminds me of those really old porcelain dolls that you find in random run down places.

Fun times,
Pleasant Dreams †

Saturday, 16 August 2014

† Shopping Haul 1 †

  † Shopping Haul †

Bodyline Gothic barbwire JSK
I got this dress quite cheaply on a fluke some time ago. At first I was unsure what brand it as until I got it and read the label. After looking on the Bodyline site I found it in the PUNK section. I love this jsk but I find it is really short and I will either need to alter it longer or buy an under skirt for future wearing.

Bodyline (vintage) Children Playing JSK

I bought this vintage Bodyline jsk on more of an impulse buy. I am considering selling it on despite the fact I just got it. I originally thought I could wear it as a more guro style jsk and add a bit of blood to it but after inspecting the print detail up close I feel its a little too childish for me. I thought of removing the lower print and making a new frilly layered section but since the dress is very popular instead of edit it I'll just sell it on for someone to love.

Camera/YouTube Memory Card
No I did not buy this device or the stand, my boyfriend is loaning me it so I can start doing my YouTube video's again however I did have to buy my own memory card. I got one hell of a bargain £30 reduced to £8~

I am currently still awaiting a few items that haven't arrived yet but this is what has arrived so far.

Will make a haul video soon once everything gets here~
Pleasant Dreams †