Tuesday 5 August 2014

† Weight Loss and What its done to me †

Weight Loss Journey
What it has done to me.

It's be a year and a bit since I moved back to my hometown and in doing so, after correcting my health, I got myself in a routine of slow, regular weight loss. When I was a teenager the largest size I got to was size 20 being near 17 stone then when I left school I went from a size 20 to 10, nearly loosing half of my body weight. Not only did I put on a lot of muscle but I was confident, happy and felt very proud of my achievements.

However, 2 years ago a traumatic event occurred, leaving me in a very dark pit of depression and self loathing, in this time I nearly put all of the weight back on and found myself back to square one. However as time went on I gained back my confidence and happiness with life and started to loose my weight again. 

At the start of my weightless journey I was measured wrongly. I found out the scales I was using were at the wrong setting, making me seem 1 stone lighter than what I was (This was fixed by a trip to the docs for monthly weighings) however at the start of my official weight loss I was;

16 Stone 6 lb - Size 20 Bottom /16 Top
I was pretty saddened that I gained this weight again and decided to do something about it. So I made a reasonable target and my aim was to stick to it, loosing at least 2 to 3 pounds a fortnight. Why so low? I'll get into that later x

12/13 stone - Size 14 bottom/12 top
To fit mainly is all size M's

What am I now?

15 stone 0.2lb

You may have to enlarge the image to see the text better but this was the result of patience and slow steady weight loss. By comparison you can see the difference. Smaller everything, waist, arms, face (ever so slight) but only out of lolita can you see the real difference. So I took these photographs last night to show the difference. I will say excuse the background, I was doing the laundry after Tony left for errands. So below is a selection of photographs out of lolita, this T-shirt, I will add, is a little baggy on me but is the only T shirt I have that is tighter to my figure but hopefully these photographs will give you the fully image of my progress.

Full body

Arms, legs, Tummy
Left: Tummy still pudgy but everything is smaller. Legs looking a lot better now, much more defined.
Right : Arms looking so much better, wrists look very tiny.

Unflattering mess haried head shots to show face shape without angles.
 Left: Face is slimmer, legs chubby
Right: Neck fat is reduced, I have a chin again.

Why I am taking my time.

I was going to show photographs of this but I haven't yet got the balls for it as my tummy is still quite large (don't let the photographs fool you, I've lost weight but the chubby belly is still there, just not as large) however I will get to the point. Loosing weight this second time around has not been as forgiving as it was the first time. I suffer from very obvious stretch marks now around my belly button, about three on each hip and one or two small ones on my back. Everywhere else is normal but in these ares I suffer from very red stretch marks because I was cocky an tried to loose weight really quickly without Bio Oil, moistening and doing tone work outs.

I was a little worried but after visiting the doctor about it I was told this is perfectly normal just annoying as hell. Luckily for me I dislike wear bikini's so the only one who gets to see that is my man beast and he truly don't give a damn.

I am really happy with this progress, despite it being slow. I had a funny moment with my boyfriend recently when he felt my low legs, he squeezed them and realized my calves were extremely muscly due to all the walking. I have gained my strength back, I may not be as strong as I used to be but I am finding myself being able to do a hell of a lot more. I still HATE jogging with a passion, despite the occasional jog I have to do with my routine weight loss. 

 I am also happy with the fact I am starting to fit into size M's again. Not all but some and it is nice being able to look better in my lolita clothes now.

I will post another progress post in a few months,
Pleasant Dreams †

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