Friday 1 August 2014

† 30 DLC - Day 12 - A picture of yourself before lolita came in to your life.. †

† 30 Day Lolita Challenge †
†A picture of yourself before lolita came in to your life.†

 Strangely enough I have next to no photographs of myself before lolita got into my life. This is not because I have worn lolita none stop but it is because of what lolita did to me. As a young child I had extreme low confidence and a lot of problem, because of this I had extremely low self esteem and hated photographs being taken of me. As a teenager I re-discovered my love for lolita fashion and attempted to wear it. Since I was quite young the only lolita I knew of was old school lace monster stuff and it wasn't until I left the Japanese online communities to meet some English communities of lolita that I discovered a more up to date version of lolita. When I hit 18, I started to wear it daily and it became a daily/weekly thing to take photographs of my coordinates. So because of this new want/need for photographs I only as an older teen allowed photographs of myself.

Of course, as I said it was "next to none" and nearly all the photographs of me out of lolita are printed from old camera's so on the PC, this is the only one I can find. I was into lolita at this point but I did not take the fashion that seriously and was more into costumes/goth. At the time this photograph was taken I was 17, just turning 18 and was part of a cosplay/anime community which was weird as I barely liked anime, I only enjoyed manga and I only had cosplayed maybe 3 times in my whole life.

This coat, scarf and head bow at one point was the main thing I would wear daily and I was also quite into the scene queen look. I barely recognize myself, it is strange how much a person can change in nearly 5-6 years.

Onto question 13
Pleasant Dreams †

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