Wednesday 16 July 2014

† Anniversary †

† Anniversary †

 So this explains as to why I disappeared for a short while and why it took so long for me too choose a suitable outfit (insert girl I don't have anything to wearrrrrrrrrr). Thanks to my weight loss I was so happy to see that my new dress, marionette girl actually fits. Awhile back I was going to buy it from a lovely German seller but I was concerned it would not fit, luckily for me a fellow frilly had the dress in blue. I tried to put it on and alas it did not fit. So I canceled the sale and continued with my diet. 


So recently I bought the dress as "thinspiration" but when it arrived, I decided "Well it won't fit but least I can try it on to see how long it'll take til it fits" but then I stood shocked to see it did not only fit, but fit perfectly. I was gob struck and full of joy, so I decided to wear it for our day out and Tony took some lovely photos of me with it.

Coordinate Rundown

Onepiece and Headdress- Marionette Girl, Kidsyoyo
Bolero - Bodyline
Tights - Offbrand
Choker - Refuse To Be Usual.
Shoes - Bodyline
Bag - Primark

Myself and my beloved decided to get away for the day, rent a hotel room for the night, go have a few meals out and watch a film. Originally we were not going to do much but Tony felt we should do a bit more and celebrate, so we did. I had a lovely time and was glad we did this mini night away.

It was an extremely warm day and extremely sunny, I found myself dying a little bit after day film, dinner, ice cream and photos so I got changed by days end into some casual goth swag for our evening meal. It is a shame the hotel was so bad, me and Tony barely slept a wink and ended up having to have a nap after breaking when we returned home. However we have a lovely day and morning despite the hotel.

How to Train your Dragon 2 was AMAZING! As well as being an awesome film there was an giant Toothless statue at the cinema entrance, despite it being a weird green/blue color instead of black it was still very cute.

My quick change for our afternoon meal~

However on our way back we found ourselves stuck on the Metro station with a broken down train. Just our luck, despite the crappy hotel room and the late train, we had a lovely time. Thank you Tony for making our day so special! So much love!

Looking forward to doing something much bigger next year,
Pleasant Dreams †

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