Monday 28 July 2014

† Random Bloggity 3†

† Random Bloggity 3†

Frilly coordinate

Excuse the less than flattering quick coordinate photographs. I had just gotten home from Elizabeth's moving house party and wanted to strip everything off as the heat was killing me. I am in love with this dress and looking forward to buying it in red soon. Wish they made this jsk in white. Got to love those pigeons in the background though.


 Day out with Amy

 Does this look like the face of forgiveness? Ow my cheeks were killing me and no that was not blusher that was sun burn. Me and Amy (little sister) decided to have a day out at the Metro Center with Tony but as we left Wylem we had to stand/sit in the sun of the train station in the boiling sun til the train arrived. As Amy sat on the floor, I took a photo of my little monster only for her to say "Anni, why are your cheeks so red?" only to spot these patchy red marks all over my face which hurt like mother fuckers.

 Me and Tony ended winning nearly 900+ tickets in the arcade for Amy so she could win a bunch of toys. There was this one machine Tony had been working on, its like a lucky ball drop thing. Well he was getting annoyed at one point because one of the ball drop section was "releasing all balls" (you collected balls then dropped them all for lots of tickets but couldn't do this unless you dropped one ball in the right slot) so as Tony went to get change I popped some extra money in the machine and got in the slot. I felt like a lucky horse in that moment.

Monster High Collection

 Amy has quite the collection of Monster High dolls (+ one Bratz doll) and wanted me to photo them so she could show her friends at school. I actually bought her another doll as I left but it's not pictured here. Not a bad collection for a 9 year old is it? Most of which she has bought with her own pocket money from hard work and good school grades. Amy has even got me started on buying these dolls, I may only have 4 so far but I adore them and think they make beautiful ornaments.

 Photo's of Wylem.

I do not know why but I find that there is something so whimsical about Wylem. This tiny little country town is just so charming and vintage that even the post office sell's fresh poultry from the local  free range farms.

Having a little Yin and Yang

 In all seriousness though, please excuse my mirror, its coated in talk. I bought this split wig back in May but wanted to keep it for a special occasion and originally was planning on wearing it out to the Hyper Japan event down London. However I changed my mind after deciding to to go next years Hyper Japan instead so wore it out today when getting my grocery shopping.

Had a fun goth coordinate for today to celebrate the wearing of my wig and created much chaos on my bed whilst doing so. I have actually come to the conclusion that i love white wigs so I may be buying a few of them soon to continue with my banshee coordinate idea (That drawing of the blood, long nails, white out eyes but all white/guro lolita?) Yeah that one I drew like 4/5months ago- But yes I have re-found my love for white wigs and may do a one soon for my new outfit plan.

I then ended today with some of my yummy foods and made myself and my father a stir fry with noodles. We then died on the sofa and watched the simpsons like good old fashioned lazy people.

That enough random stuff for one day,
Pleasant Dreams †

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