Friday 4 July 2014

† 30 Day Lolita Challenge - Day 2 – 10 things you love in lolita.†

† 30 Day Lolita Challenge† 
† 10  things you love in lolita † 

I. Jumper Skirt's/Jsk's. 
I find nothing more wonderful in lolita fashion than jsk's. The shape, the pattern, the design, the elegance just everything about them is beautiful. All of my dresses are jsk's as there is so much you can do with them. Onepiece's are beautiful and handy when you need to quickly pop on a coordinate but most onepiece's only come with one look. A jsk gives you so much freedom and a huge range of different looks. A simple change of blouse can turn one look into another, a white short sleeved blouse could give a sweet look, a cream chiffon blouse can grant a more classic look whilst a black high collar blouse performs a gothic take on it. Cutsew's (aka T-shirts/cut offs) can aide in the summer whilst wooly jumpers and cardigan's look stunning in winter. So many styles you can make from just one dress all because you can interchange the top that goes with it. (Will be doing a blog entry about that soon) Here's an example of many different outfit styles jsk's and others from the Angelic Pretty 2014 Spring Collection.

II. The effort that goes into dress design and patterns.
Unlike normal street fashion lolita takes an extreme amount of hard work. Design, print, construction, fabric choice, lace, beeding, shirring, ribbons, bows, JUST everything is done with so much beautiful attention to detail. Everything from the biggest part of lolita being the dress to the less important items such as socks comes with a huge amount of effort, it even has more effort put into it than most wedding dresses!

III. Moi Meme Moitie .
MMM is a shop like no other but it'll take me a lot of hard work until I will be able to fit into their beautiful designs. MMM is a brand store designs are created by Mana-Sama (ex Malice Mizer member, Lead Guitar/song writer Moi Dix Mois) with a full on whack of gothic priority and elegant aristocrat fashion. I have always said I liked this fashion but the sizing has always been difficult. Instead of pursuing it I left it be for some time, but now that my weight loss is back on track I hope to one day own at least 1 full set from this brand. It may be a pipe dream but maybe with a lot of hard work it will come true.

IV. Paleness is in! 
I have always been a fairly pale person but ever since my avoiding of the sun, ill health and odd love of goth I seem to have gotten paler. All jokes aside I really like the look of pale skin on me and I find pale skin with gothic lolita looks very beautiful. It seems to be sang in all the Gothic Lolita Magazines that pale skin is the new it thing and they has been a lot of lolita make up guides/tutorials aiding in the pale/elegant look. It is more of a take on 18th century (and before) fashion where being pale or white was a sign of wealth, as a pale person was in the shade and showed no sign of a days hard work. I believe this has been brought back full swing into lolita as parasol's and such seem to be a must have to each coordinate. Leaving the house on a sunny day without one is almost a frilly crime haha.

V. Bodyline, it has up'd it's game! 

Bodyline has been around for quite some time as a cheaper, offbrand-brand lolita clothing company. For years they always seemed to have the same boring collection but the last 3 years Bodyline has changed so much and truly up'd its game. The site now has a huge high quality range of clothes at low and affordable prices with an ever expanding wardrobe to audiences everywhere. From Gothic to Sweet you can find almost anything whether it is to just fill up your wardrobe with some blouses and sock or it is to buy everything and adore a full Bodyline look. There is something for everyone.

VI. Wigs.
 I have always been a lover and admirer of wigs but it wasn't until I started to take lolita seriously that i discovered how much is out there for me. Any style, any color, anything you want is at the tip of your fingers. Many branded wigs sites are out there who are dedicated solely to lolita fashion! Even ebay is a fit home for frilly wig buyers and time and time again have I met other lolita's who wouldn't be caught without wearing a wig. The idea of a perfect coordinate for some people can not be finished without perfect hair and in lolita that sort of perfect hair is replaced with a perfect wig. Wigs are easy to wear, maintain and buy so why not?

VII. Outfit effort.
The one thing you can say about lolita's who take the fashion seriously is their levels of coordination skills are over 9000! Everyday I look at lolita dress up site's and blogs and see coordination after coordination of amazing outfit's. It has not only helped me improve my look but has inspired me time after time to try my own thing and see if it works~


There is nothing better I like to do than after a long day of task to sit my bum down at the pc, have a nice meal whilst watching funny, talented, creative and beautiful lolita video's. From how to tutorials to outfit video's, lolita has a colorful range unlike any genre of fashion I have ever seen (of course there is fairy kei, cyber goth etc..) but lolita has a magic unlike any other. When you find a good quality youtube channel you can just sit for hour watching the video's, taking tips, having a giggle and learning lots of new things. Besides I find youtube clothing reviews are way better than any blog review.

IX. Shirring.
If your new to lolita you may not have herd of the term shirring. Shirring is basically an elastic panel on an item which allows a wider range of sizes to fit it. For me, getting dresses with shirring has made my frilly life so much easier. As a girl with a large bust, plus size or not, I have suffered both ends of sizes in lolita and getting a dress with a shirring panel at the back it not only helpful but almost a life saver. You can have one dress fit a certain range of size, a lolita dress size L could fit between a UK10 to a UK14 and this my friends is amazing. If you are in a certain sized group of friends it can be hard trading or sharing clothing, in lolita this burden is eased by shirring as most good quality lolita dresses that have this fit a wide range of people. I also find that dressed with shirring are way more comfortable and give a lot more ease on the body. I have worn lolita dresses without shirring, despite their beauty sometimes they can be hard to move in, so a dress without shirring is not for me.

X. Buying second hand.
I wont go into much detail on this since it is self explanatory but I really enjoy how normal it is to buy 2nd hand lolita items. There are a range of sites out there wide open to a bargain or a rare find and I am often on these sites hunting down my wishlist in hopes to have my dream wardrobe.

List of second hand places.

Egl Comm Sales
Closet Child
Mbok (Shopping service required)
Facebook Sales ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 )

On to Question 3,
Pleasant Dreams †

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