Thursday 3 July 2014

† 30 Day Lolita Challenge - Day 1 - 10 things about your lolita bubble †

† 30 Day Lolita Challenge† 
Day 1
† 10 things about your lolita bubble †

I. I love my big hair. If you haven't spotted already I have a love for large and over bearing hair. This quite a few times has taken me to the extreme and I have often found myself using savlon on my forehead due to cutting my scalp from wearing extremely heavy wigs. The last time this happened I took a photo but I have no regrets as I still adore my wigs. When my hair is longer I will change my hair to be more Hime Gyaru style with clip in wig's from Prisila, this way it'll be easier on my poor forehead~

II. I adore buying dresses and it has become less of a hobby these days and more of a passion. I have recently spent over £300 on a brand new lolita wardrobe with plenty of stocking fillers. Now my aim is to buy some brand. However, I have recently found that I have more of a fondness to offbrand/indie or taobao related jsk's. It is sometimes difficult to fit a dress, particularly a printed dress which fit's my tastes and desires.

III. I miss winter so much. I find nothing more beautiful than a photo in the snow and as it is now currently summer I find myself wishing for snowy weather in this impossible heat. I know it may be strange as most people who wear lolita prefer the summer but there is something so charming about the white purity of the ice which appeals to me. I would also be one of the few brides who'd love to get married on a snowy day.

IV. White wig obsession. True I have no worn one out yet but I have truly fallen in love with white wigs, I simply can not get enough of them. I think gothic lolita with white wigs looks so creepy and cute. Come payday I plan to buy one for my future coordinates. The anticipation is killing me.

V. It has been a long road but thanks to a lot of hard work I am finally happy with myself. I have spent years in the shoes of someone else, trying to be something I was not because a doomed relationship shaped me into someone strange. I could not thank everyone enough for aiding me through this transition in life and thanks to all this I finally went back to the things that truly made me happy. Before I got into sweet lolita I was borderline goth and was in a deep love with gothic lolita fashion however at that time in my life I thought the only way to be happy with myseld was to surround myself in bright pastal colours and convince myself that what I truly liked was wrong. This wasn't just with fashion, this was with ever aspect of me but thanks to the support of so many people, a lot of elbow grease and self acceptance I finally let go of my sorrows and returned to what I truly loved. Between you and me, my mother couldn't be happier than I was a goth again.

VI. I am obsessed with this song/remix by Pentatonix and find that this Daft Punk melody is the only song I play when getting dressed for a meet up. I think there is nothing more funky than dancing whilst shoving on your petticoats. For me this is weird as I do not often listen to song's on repeat.

VII. I tend to wear hot pants or shorts under my frills. When I first started taking lolita seriously as a teenager I used to wear bloomers all the time as it simply seemed to be how it was done. However the more I wore them, the more uncomfortable I felt and after seeing a photo of myself on the Nemacon 2011 cat walk I decided from that point to never wear bloomers again. They just made me feel so old and the up skirt shot (which FYI was not permitted but the photographer took it anyways. We only found out after the event that he took it) was just well.. it did look a bit cute but felt like ageplay.


VIII. I do not wear lolita daily anymore. Not so long ago it was very rare to see me out of lolita but wearing it daily was no easy matter. However these days the level of my coordinates have improved dramatically and I try to wear my dresses less so they stay special to me. Wearing it daily was fun and all but it truly did loose it's buzz when you wear it that often. I tend to wear quite casual goth clothes when I am not wearing lolita and personally I think the darker gothic and goth look suits me way better than sweet ever did.

IX. Skeletons, Skeletons everywhere. I have this weird obsession with skeleton's, I do not know why but ever since I got back into gothic fashion I've wanted to put bones on everything. I don't have many photographs of my room but it is covered in glow in the dark skeleton 3D stickers, giant skeleton decorations, skeleton signs and loads of skeleton accessories. I have slowly been adding skeleton elements into my lolita clothes too, not just my goth stuff. It is an unusual take on the fashion in my opinion but somehow it just makes it more me.

X. I love how I look now.

Before I returned to my gothic routes I wore a lot of sweet, pastel and colorful clothes. This was cute but something about did not feel right.

To me there is nothing better than the feeling of being complete. The whole goth look makes me feel so happy and in a strange way beautiful. Of course the goth look and gothic lolita look is not for everyone but I finally feel like me again. I will also add my boyfriend Tony loves the Goth look on me way more~

On to question2,
Pleasant Dreams †

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